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Reducing Breast Implant Infection
clock-icon   November 2, 2021

Reducing Breast Implant Infection

Any surgery comes with the risk of infection; however, Dr. Obaid takes a number of steps before, during, and after a breast augmentation to prevent breast implant infection. Before the procedure, you wash your skin with prescription-strength soap to decrease the bacteria that’s already living there. Additionally, you are given an intravenous antibiotic. On the day of surgery, your skin is washed again with prescription-strength soap, and your nipples are covered in a dressing. The pockets created for your implants are washed with another antibiotic, and your skin is closed with glue that prevents bacteria from entering the wound post-op. After your surgery, you will take an oral antibiotic for five days. Altogether, these steps create a truly comprehensive fight against bacteria.


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